Permanent Taoseños


My wife and I moved from Austin, Texas in February of 2019. We are both retired. She from the legal profession and me in computer technology spending over 30 years in the business.

We sold the house, put all the furniture in storage and packed our bags for a life of wanderlust. Our first stop was Taos, New Mexico where we planned spend at least 2-3 years. After that, we’d planned to spin the wheel decide where to move next.

Completely unplanned, we bought a house instead and are permanent residents of New Mexico. So funny how quickly life can change…

This blog is intended to chronicle our lives here away from the big city life in Austin. Our entries will concern life in Taos exploring festivals, culture, art, food and just ordinary life day-to-day. After that, look for entries of places/events outside the city.

For many years I have written technology related articles and posted them on the website. I’ll continue to write them when I find time and post them in the David’s Technology Blog section of the website.

We hope you enjoy the articles and photos. This is an exciting chapter in our lives and hope that sharing the experiences will make for interesting reading.

- David & Rhonda